Editors in Chief

Helen Zhu

Year: 3rd Year
Major: Computer Science, (Minor: Chemistry, Certificate: Kellogg Financial Economics)
Fun Fact: I love exploring new food scenes!

Aden Morvice

Year: 4th Year
Major: Economics, International Studies
(minor: NAIS)
Fun Fact: I lived in Stockholm for a few months
in 2022


The NURJ Design Team is in charge of creating and curating the print edition each year, be it the color palette or the overarching theme or each individual page. Design also assist in necessary media for the NURJ online editions, development projects, and outreach materials.

The Development Team is in charge running the NURJ podcast series, social media accounts, and speaker panels. Overall, we strive to extend the research community beyond the written literature and into different media forms. Our goal is to also promote diversity and to highlight nontraditional voices and stories within the research community. 

While NURJ Paper primarily focuses on senior theses, NURJ Online serves all undergraduate researchers conducting research across all years. Beyond a collection of carefully selected reviewed research, NURJ Online is an opportunity for students to engage with the research community through a non-traditional medium. By emphasizing the creativity of our staff and writers alike and by exploring diverse fields of research, the NURJ Online seeks to present diverse, accessible, high-quality research to the NU community and beyond.

Outreach is responsible for cultivating connections with Northwestern students and faculty to solicit information about NURJ and the submission process. 

The NURJ Paper Editorial Team is in charge of reviewing and standardizing senior theses for adherence to AP Style, as well as writing features for publication within the printed journal.

STEM writes the annual Archives edition for the NURJ and has compiled the proceedings of the Chicago-Area Undergraduate Research Symposium in previous years. We plan on collaborating with other editorial teams (Print & Online) in drafting features for NURJ publications during the winter and spring.

Website Development focuses on keeping the NURJ website up to date by publishing the current online and print editions. We also strive to continue to make the website better by implementing design changes throughout the year. We welcome any suggestions for the website (reach out to our managing director Huong)!