Samuel Johnson Jr: More Than A Barber
Samuel Johnson Jr: More Than A Barber LAUREN WASHINGTON Email: laurenwashington2022@u.northwestern.edu Faculty Advisor: Danielle Beverly BIO Lauren is a junior at Northwestern University from Kansas City,
Hello reader:
Welcome to the NURJ Online Vol. 4! In order to properly represent the range of creative talent in Evanston, the NURJ has curated a one-of-a-kind package that lifts the limits placed on undergraduate research. For this edition, we accepted research in both the traditional written format as well as novel presentation methods such as podcasts, documentaries, and research posters. We proudly present the NURJ Online’s debut Multimedia Publication, a volume that represents the truly unique and excellent research Northwestern undergraduates engage in. Alongside each piece we have a brief Q&A with the researcher and a short biography to provide you with a glimpse into their background, interests, and research experience.
As always, the NURJ stands by our mission to give all Northwestern undergraduates a space to showcase their research. Please reach out to the NURJ at eic@thenurj.com if you have any comments or suggestions, and if you wish to submit for our Winter Quarter package please visit our Submissions Guidelines tab.
Shreyas Iyer and Lydia Rivers
Managing Editors for NURJ Online
Samuel Johnson Jr: More Than A Barber LAUREN WASHINGTON Email: laurenwashington2022@u.northwestern.edu Faculty Advisor: Danielle Beverly BIO Lauren is a junior at Northwestern University from Kansas City,
The Black Card: The Effectiveness of Content Warnings for Undergraduate Black Students Vanessa Obi Email: vanessaobi2022@u.northwestern.edu Faculty Advisor: Karrie Ann Snyder BIO Vanessa Obi is
Into the Archives Rey Tang Email: ReyTang2021@u.northwestern.edu Faculty Advisor: Danielle Beverly BIO Rey Tang is pursuing a double major in RTVF and Economics with a
The Relationship Between Spectator and Image: The Case of the Advertisement Jean Sanders Email: jeansanders2021@u.northwestern.edu Faculty Advisor: Michael Loriaux BIO In a nutshell, what is
HONIGMANN AND SOUND LAMI ZHANG Email: yinlanzhang2023@u.northwestern.edu BIO Lami Zhang is a second-year Journalism and Political Science major with a Film Studies minor. She is
A Call for Transparency in Law Enforcement Use of Facial Recognition Benjamin Nober Email: benjaminnober2021@u.northwestern.edu Faculty Advisor: Daniel W. Linna Jr. BIO Benjamin Nober is