
MetehanPunar_Outreach - Metehan Punar

Metehan Punar

Year: 4th Year
Major: Biological Sciences, Global Health Studies, Neuroscience
Fun Fact: My favorite food is sushi!
Contact: metehanpunar2025@u.northwestern.edu


Emily Park

Year: 3rd Year
Major: Neuroscience and Data Science 
Fun Fact: I love ice cream!
Contact: emilypark2027@u.northwestern.edu

General Members

Annabel Pothuru

Annabel Pothuru

Year: 2nd Year
Major: Biological Sciences
Fun Fact: I love baking! My favorite thing to make is cinnamon buns!

Jonah cropped

Jonah Khersonsky

Year: 1st Year
Major: BME and Global Health 
Fun Fact: I am a big plant person. 

Hernando Liu

Hernando Liu

Year: 2nd Year
Major: Journalism/Social Policy  
Fun Fact: I lived in the Middle East for one year.

AdyLam_Outreach - Ady Lam

Ady Lam

Year: 2nd Year
Major: Cognitive Science and Environmental Policy & Culture
Fun Fact: I can burp the alphabet!

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Mathieu Rojas

Year: 2nd Year
Major: MMSS and Economics 
Fun Fact: I’ve lived all my life in Peru!