Kings, Queens and Kermit
Lydia is a senior studying Theatre, with a minor in Gender and Sexuality Studies and a certificate in Music Theatre. Primarily seen on campus performing in a variety of departmental and student produced productions, she has spent much of her academic experience researching intersections of gender, sexuality, and performance. She is currently working on a senior honor’s thesis exploring the representations of lesbian relationships in Broadway musicals, and hopes to pursue a career in theatrical dramaturgy and criticism.
Performance of gender in Berlin’s contemporary drag artists, specifically non-male artists who are currently performing.
I studied abroad in Berlin in 2018 and became enamored by Judy Ladivina, a drag queen based in Berlin who is known for lipsyncing in more than 30 languages and for hosting monthly drag shows for new drag artists. I wasnted to dive further into the rich, often overlooked world of non-queedrag in Berlin.
While this is an essayistic piece rather than an academic one, there is cetaintly room for academics and creatives alike to deepen the study of non-queen drag in Berlin and beyond. The body of work is much smaller than for drag queens, but the performance and art being created is no less interestingor worthy of study and archiving.
I am applying to graduate schools in Europe and Canada in hopes of getting my MA in theatre and performance studies with a focus on gender and sexuality. I want to work in theatre dramaturgy and criticism with an approach rooted in queer theory and intersectional feminism.
Lydia Weir was a 2020 SURG winner.
Kings, Queens, And Kermit - Lydia Weir by nurj on Scribd